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Lead Generation Techniques That'll Help Your Website Convert Traffic

lead-generation-techniques.jpgThe cornerstone of a great marketing strategy are lead generation techniques that work. What this means for a medical or dental practices, is a great website that organically drives patients to your practice using these successful techniques.

Building A Lead Generation Website 

Your website is often the first thing a prospective patient will investigate while searching for a new physician or dentist; it is also the tool that will drive lead conversions to your practice. Having a customized and highly responsive website builds your business and helps you to establish a rock-solid online client base. Optimizing your website in conjunction with other inbound marketing tools such as PPC or targeted display advertising and you will be setting your business up for success!

Incorporating the following lead generation tips into your website will increase your conversion rate to support the growth of your practice.


Keep Contact Information Updated

Always have your practice's phone number displayed prominently. The phone number should always be text-based, not an image. Many potential patients surf the web using their smartphone. If the phone number is text based their browser will translate the number into a click-to-call display which increases lead your conversion rate.

lead-generation-techniques-call-me.jpgThe contact form on your lead generation website should be accessible on every page. The form itself should be simple; this form is not the place for a prospective patient to disclose symptoms or to give their medical history. All you need with this initial contact form is their name, email address, phone number, and a section for comments. The contact form is a great place to establish trust by adding comforting words or images. This includes the statement that your practice does not send spam or share data. This will help considerably with lead conversion.

Adding Testimonials Adds Value

Testimonials from former patients are a wonderful addition to your website that instils confidence in a potential new patient that has never been treated by you before. They establish trust reading real patient stores, which will drive more clients to your practice. You can kill two birds with one stone by using videos for your testimonials.

Add a touch of human warmth to your website by using real photos of your staff and your office instead of stock images. While patients want a high level of professionalism, they also value empathy from medical professionals.


Maximize your lead generating website by optimizing the tools above. These tools will help promote your practice and convert leads into actual patients. These lead generation tips will rejuvenate your inbound marketing strategy and help you build your practice to become as successful as possible.




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